Erectile Dysfunction
-More than 150 million men worldwide suffer from erectile dysfunction. However, only 10% of them seek help for their problem. Most men do not want to admit they have sexual problems.
1. What is erectile dysfunction?
-Erectile dysfunction is the inability to achieve and maintain an erection.
2. What are the most common physical causes of erectile dysfunction?
– The most common physical causes of erectile dysfunction are damaged arteries and weak fibrous tissues around the sexual organ
3. How does stress and anxiety contribute to hereditary dysfunction?
– Stress or anxiety affect the process of erection by removing the man from the things that would normally be causing it. The concentration is required during the entire sex relationship.
4. What is the risk of erectile dysfunction?
– Men aged 40 to 70 are at risk of erectile dysfunction. Age is the number one factor for this disease. Men who have chronic medical conditions such as heart disease or diabetes are also at greater risk of erectile dysfunction.
5. Is erectile dysfunction associated with other medical conditions?
– Yes. Diabetes is associated with erectile dysfunction. About 75% of men who have diabetes suffer from erectile dysfunction. Also, cardiovascular problems are associated with erectile dysfunction.
6. Is erectile dysfunction an aging problem?
– Erectile dysfunction is just taken as a medical problem that occurs regularly. It is an inevitable consequence of aging.
7. Can erectile dysfunction be prevented?
– Yes. Taking active measures of lifestyle and diet maintain good erectile function.
8. Ways to prevent erectile dysfunction?
– Cessation of smoking
– Regular exercise
– Appropriate body mass
– Avoid excessive use of alcohol
– Avoiding long cycling
– Avoiding long use of hot baths and high-temperature saunas
9. How is erectile dysfunction relieved?
– Erectile dysfunction can be treated with conservative methods and alternative medicine such as herbal remedy VARUPOTENT.
VARPOTENT is a traditional herbal product in tablets. 100% natural and safe preparation for stimulating the sexual system and improving libido
Varupotent® tablets
a herbal medicine in the form of tablets for stimulating the sexual system and improving libido
– raising libido
– erectile dysfunction
– prolongation of the strength and duration of erection
– frigidity
– sterility in men (sterility based on idiopathic oligoasthenoterotosoospermia, reduced quantity and quality of spermatozoa)
– climacteric disorders in women
– recommended for both men and women
Tribulus Terrestis
1 pack contains 50 tablets
Varupotent® is taken three times daily two tablets before meals with a glass of water.
More details on the following link: VARUPOTENT